Embedding health and wellbeing into its ethos.
Embedding health and wellbeing into its ethos.
Active Lifestyles
Open spaces will provide a range of sports and recreation facilities, connected by direct, safe and pleasant walking and cycling routes and will be easily accessible to all.
Green Spaces
Outdoor spaces will occupy a significant proportion of the Garden Village and will be available for exercise and relaxation, they will meet accessibility standards and cater for all levels of mobility and age. They will support community well-being and reconnect people with natural environments.
Community farming and healthy eating
Healthy eating will be encouraged through the provision of allotments, community farming opportunities and a community market which will be managed by the Community Trust.
School farms
School farms can provide first-hand resources for diet, growing food and cooking techniques that can be integrated into the school curriculum.
The appropriate Health Facilities will be provided in the right places at the right time working in partnership with the NHS.
Healthy Routes
A range of health routes will be clearly marked out on site to encourage active lifestyles and access to opportunities for exercise, including the NHA 'Couch to 5k' initiative.
Healthy Workers
Employment areas will have landscaped areas for eating and socialising, spaces for running and outdoor sports equipment will be provided. This will sit alongside schemes to promote walking and cycling commuting for employees.